Filtalon HEPA Filters
HEPA filters are disposable extended media dry-type filters. They are always supplied complete in their own rigid frame and have been designed for use specifically in high-volume airflow facilities such as final stage filters for power plants. HEPA filters are also used as secondary filters for facilities with ULPA requirements.
The medias used in the manufacture of HEPA filters invariably have a higher efficiency that the complete filter. This difference allows for the minute leaks that can occur when the filter is fabricated. Every HEPA filter is tested as it comes off the production line prior to packaging. The results of this test determine the grading – Q > 85%, R > 95% and S > 99.97%.
U.L.P.A. filters are manufactured on the same line, but tested to 0.12 microns and give efficiencies greater than 99.99%. These filters have a particular use in such areas as the microelectronics industry and open-heart surgery.
Please contact us about your requirements
Filtalon HEPA Filters
Pleated microglass fibre paper. Close pleating is required to fit all the required media into an economical size. This is made necessary as a low media velocity is used to keep the resistance down (usually around 0.03m/sec 6 FPM).
Commonly a high density particle board. Other materials include plywood, zintec and stainless steel.
Many of the separators are made from aluminium foil, though other methods are being explored.
Custom sizes made to order, contact us.
Specification Sheet